
On-Page Ranking Factors 2017

Start Title tag with your keyword

Your title tag is the most important on-page SEO factor.
He closer the keyword is to the beginning of the title tag, the more weight is has with search engines.

Add Modifiers to your title

Adding modifiers like "2017" "best", "guide”, “affordable", and "review" help you rank for long tail versions, of your target keyword.
Wrap your Title in an <h1> tag
The H1 tag is your "headline tag". Most CMS's (like Word press) automatically add the H1 tag to your blog post title. Some themes override this setting.
Internal Links
Add 2-3 internal links to every post. if you want to see a great example of internal linking check out Wikipedia.

Boost site Speed

Google has stated that page speed used as a ranking signal.
Use Social Sharing Buttons
Social signals may not play a direct role in ranking your site. But social shares generate more eyeballs on your content. And the more eyeballs you get, the more likely someone is to link.

Over the past few years, Google has released several updates to their search engine algorithm, of which Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird were the biggest. Those updates set augmented rules on how owners should structure their sites for link building, both build incoming links and use anchor text for outgoing links.

Despite the updates, however, on-page SEO hasn’t really changed all that much. Every on-page SEO task is really for the user’s benefit. Yet, most SEOs still haven’t come to terms with that fact.

Google wants the user to be happy when they visit your web page. And, the only way that Google will know that your site users are satisfied is when they’re engaged. How long do they spend reading your content?

In this on-page SEO cheat sheet, I’m going to show you the essential things to pay attention to. They’ll improve your search traffic, boost your rankings and make off-page SEO a lot easier for you

Site Speed

Recent research found that 47% of your target audience expects your website to load in under two seconds. What’s more, slightly more than half of all U.S. online shoppers won’t buy from a site if it loads slowly.
Inadvertent duplicate content can slow indexing down, so examine your site to remove it.
It makes sense. After all, don’t we all have to wait? And, the instant-gratification of the web has only made us more impatient.
Essential Tag Fundamentals
Do you take Meta tags seriously? Although the effect of the title tag or Meta description has changed significantly over the past several years, it’s still a good practice to pay attention to them.

In ON-page SEO, the major types of Meta tags that you should pay attention to are:

1). Title tags: Title tags define the title of your web page or document. They’re mostly used to display preview snippets of your web pages. When you’re writing your title tag, it should be short, clear and descriptive but don’t duplicate content from the page content.
The ideal length is 50 – 60 characters. If your title tag exceed 60 characters, Google wil only show the first 60. Your entry in the results will look something like this
2).   Meta description: According to Survey Monkey, 43.2% of people click on a given result, based on the Meta description alone.
This is how a Meta description usually appears in the organic search listings
The Meta description is what search engines use to gauge what topic you’re writing about and the exact audience that they should send to that page. So, make it descriptive and short – no more than 160 characters
There is no need to stuff keywords in your Meta description (which would work against you anyway). 160 characters is just not enough space for stuffing.  Instead, use synonyms or latent semantic indexing (LSI) of your main keyword to get on page SEO in the Meta description, keeping search engines happy.
For example, if your main keywords in the headline are “generate website traffic,” here are LSI keywords that you can use:
Get site visitors
Drive free traffic
Attract site visitors
Attract website visitors

You can often find other related keywords beneath your search engine results. Those are also variations that you can use in your description:

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